The Reality for PA Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Every year in Pennsylvania, an average of 1,100 young people age out of foster care. This transition, which should mark the start of a hopeful future, often leaves them stepping into adulthood without a support system. Without a family, a network, or essential resources, these young adults face overwhelming challenges as they try to navigate life on their own.
The absence of a safety net is a stark reality. For those who age out of the foster care system, limited access to education, resources, and mentorship often leads to significant hardships, including homelessness, unemployment, and barriers to completing school. These obstacles can make it nearly impossible to build a stable future, despite their resilience and desire to thrive.
The Statistics Tell a Heartbreaking Story
The struggles of aging out without a support system are reflected in these statistics:
One in four youth who age out in Pennsylvania will experience homelessness. Many struggle with mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
Nearly one in four will have been arrested after leaving foster care, often stemming from the absence of stability and guidance.
Nearly half are still jobless four years after leaving the system, making it difficult to cover even the most basic needs.
Almost 50% do not complete high school, which is double the dropout rate of their peers, leaving them without the educational foundation that opens doors to better opportunities.
These numbers underscore a vital need for family, stability, and support.
The Impact of Your Support
At Dwell, we believe that children deserves a chance to succeed and thrive. With the right support, encouragement, and resources, these youth can move forward toward a promising future. Your partnership makes this possible. Every gift provides stability, connection, and opportunity to young adults who might otherwise walk alone.
If You Want to Make a Difference
Your involvement can create a powerful impact. Here are ways you can join in this mission:
Connect with Local Resources: Reach out to your County Children and Youth Services (CYS) office to learn more about specific needs in your area.
Partner with SWAN: The State Wide Adoption Network provides guidance and support for those interested in helping youth who are in or have aged out of the foster care system.
Contact Us at Dwell: Email us at to discuss ways you can make a lasting impact. From supporting aging-out youth to mentoring and more, we’ll help you find the best way to support these incredible young people.
Bring joy through toys: Shop for Dwell’s holiday pop-up and bring joy to children in care.
With your help, every child can have a family. Every youth can have hope. Together, we can make sure no one has to face life’s challenges alone.